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Savor the Seasons at Terrazza Tiberio: Capri's Fine Dining

Sea view outdoor of Terrazza Tiberio restaurant in Capri

Nestled in the heart of Capri lies a gastronomic treasure that marries tradition with innovation: Terrazza Tiberio Fine Dining in Capri. This elegant restaurant is a part of the luxurious Capri Tiberio Palace and boasts a charming terrace offering spectacular views of the island and the sea. But it's not just the ambiance that captures the essence of Capri - it's their commitment to an 'Ingredient Based Cuisine'.

Terrazza Tiberio prides itself on a simple and genuine culinary approach, focusing on original, authentic, and top-quality seasonal ingredients. With a menu designed to allow a maximum of three or four ingredients to fully express their flavor and texture, the restaurant represents a refined interpretation of Mediterranean and Italian gastronomy. Absolute compliance with the cycle of seasons is a testament to their culinary philosophy, which is meticulously brought to life by Executive Chef Nello Siano.

The restaurant is open daily from 12.30 pm to 11.30 pm, and it's highly recommended to reserve your table in advance to experience the Terrazza Tiberio Fine Dining in Capri. However, note that there is an annual closure period from October 29, 2023, to March 25, 2024. During this time, the restaurant reimagines and rejuvenates its offerings to ensure that each dish served is a celebration of the ingredients' peak seasons.

Terrazza Tiberio Fine Dining in Capri experience invites you to engage with the island's culture through its flavors. Whether you're dining under the warm sun at lunch or beneath a canopy of stars at dinner, the restaurant promises an unforgettable culinary journey that resonates with the beauty and spirit of Capri.

For those planning a visit or simply dreaming of a taste of the Italian island life, Terrazza Tiberio is a must-visit destination for any epicurean enthusiast looking for a meal that not only satiates the palate but also tells a story of Capri's rich culinary heritage​.

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